On October 18, 2019, The World Economic Forum (WEF) hosted Event 201, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, met in New York City to conduct an exercise. The tabletop exercise simulated the actions of the Coronavirus Pandemic that came to fruition three months later and is playing out now.
The WEF has scheduled its next meeting for January 2021 in Davos Switzerland, a Twin-Summit format called The Great Reset, date yet to be determined.
Different from its previous annual Davos events, this Globalist meeting, by Globalists, for Globalists, will be open to the public, online. The Twin Summit was announced by the Prince of Wales on June 3, 2020, in the month of Gemini, the twins, during the time of protests after George Floyd was killed in the Twin Cities. For more on the significance of twins in relation to these events, read Gemini Twins Castor & Polydeuces in light of George Floyd killing in Minneapolis.
In understanding who controls events and how events play out, it is important to understand that timing and numbers have everything to do with messaging the masses. The population is central to activating the Playbook, which is disclosed through the media.
The Reset

Image by Gerd Altmann
Will you participate? The topic of the next summit is summarized in quotes from a June 3rd article, titled, The Great Reset: A Unique Twin Summit To Begin 2021.
We only have one planet and we know that climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind.
In order to secure our future and to prosper, we need to evolve our economic model and put people and planet at the heart of global value creation.
A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.
COVID-19 has accelerated our transition into the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have to make sure that the new technologies in the digital, biological and physical world remain human-centered and serve society as a whole, providing everyone with fair access.
We have to restore a functioning system of smart global cooperation structured to address the challenges of the next 50 years.
We need a change of mindset.
Significant quotes from past Globalist summits that set the Pandemic Playbook into motion can be found here.
The Coronavirus Pandemic Playbook released a bold statement in 2017 during a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, where Dr. Anthony Fauci declared:
No doubt Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.
The only reason Dr. Fauci would be able to make such a prediction is if he were part of a conspiracy to make it happen. For evidence that the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic is a Jesuit (Society of Jesus) led conspiracy, read the breakdown here by Zachary Hubbard. There is also the 1976 Harold Wallace- Rosenthal interview, published in 1992, which describes a deliberate and sustained agenda for world control by the Jesuits. An excerpt of the shocking interview reads:
We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never realized that we are the parasites consuming an increasing portion of production while the producers are continually receiving less and less. – Harold Wallace
Goy, of course, are all non-Jews, who unknowingly participate in creating the new order through silent acquiescence. The world being created will be one of collectivism, another word for Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Bolshevism, Judaism, Zionism, all Jesuit-led, where all property is confiscated by the state under tyrannical rule. Their planned outcome only happens if the goy are successfully led and misled.
Anthony Fauci never refers to his quietly published March 26th article in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), where he says Coronavirus is less severe than a normal seasonal flu. Fauci and the NEJM also conceded that masks are symbolic and not necessary for healthy people. Why would Fauci write one thing in an obscure medical journal and say the opposite in the mass media?
It turns out words posted in the media, in plain sight, are part of a code.
The Code
Gematria is a coded language of the Jesuits and Freemasons, which merges numbers into words using numerology and four main ciphers as part of elaborate rituals and riddles. The codes are used to announce plans to those who can read the coded script.
Using the Gematrinator calculator, anyone can make connections using the words in print that tell a numerical story:
‘The Great Reset’ equals 151 (English Ordinal)
‘Pandemic’ equals 151 (Reverse Ordinal)
Jesus Christ equals 151 (English Ordinal)
The Announcement of the next summit happened on June 3rd or 6/3, or 3/6. Note: 151 is the 36th prime number and has a direct mathematical relationship to 666. The number 666 is the 36th triangular number, meaning the sum of 1 through 36 equals 666.
Do world events follow a Playbook, by the numbers?
Is the purpose of the media script to align with another script: the Book of Revelations in the Bible? Were both books written in code by the same group of people?
Har Megiddo is the site of the final battle, Armaggedon, between good and evil, according to the Book of Revelations.
‘Har Megiddo’ equals 201. The location of Har Megiddo is in Israel.
The Globalist Playbook

Image by Hitesh Sharma
The Event 201 Epilogue summarized the outcome of the Globalist pandemic exercise. In their summary, the organizers concluded that governments reopened too soon after the lockdowns, with dire consequences.
Listen to the Epilogue of the simulation exercise, at the 32:55 minute mark:
The outbreak was small at first, and initially seemed controllable, but then it started spreading, in densely populated and impoverished neighborhoods of megacities. From that point on the spread of the disease was explosive. Within six months cases were occurring in nearly every country.
At first, wealthy countries with advanced healthcare and public health systems were primarily able to limit the spread of the disease within their borders. As systems became overwhelmed, however, no countries were able to control its spread. And the disease affected people of all socioeconomic status, from the very poor to the extremely rich, from sanitation workers to CEOs and national leaders.
The economic consequences were dramatic. The high death toll, and even greater numbers of sick, hurt productivity in many industries. Manufacturers were having trouble filling orders, and countless companies in the service sector simply shut down. The global economy was in a free fall. The GDP down 11%. Stock markets around the world plummeted between 20 and 40 % and headed into a downward cycle of fear and low expectation. Businesses were not borrowing. Banks were not lending. Everyone was just hoping to hunker down and weather the storm. While nearly all businesses were affected, certain sectors were especially hard hit. Travel, finance, service, manufacturing, healthcare and insurance, among them, with some major companies going bankrupt.
And there were seismic societal consequences as well. The world saw largescale protests and in some places, riots. People were angry about the lack of access to healthcare and medicine, as well as governments inability to protect them from the disease. This lead to violent crackdowns in some countries. And even Marital Law.
Political upheaval became the rule across the globe. The public lost trust in their respective administrations. Several governments fell, while others were desperately striving to hold on to power. This spurred further crackdowns. Attempts to control media messaging, originally aimed only at health-related misinformation. became used increasingly to quash political dissent.
Economists say the economic turmoil caused by such a pandemic will last for years, perhaps a decade. The societal impact, the loss of faith in government, the distrust of news, and the breakdown of social cohesion, could last even longer. We have to ask, did this need to be so bad? Are there things we could have done in the five to ten years leading up to the pandemic that would have lessened the catastrophic consequences? We believe the answer is yes.
So are we as a global community finally ready to do the hard work needed to prepare for the next pandemic?”
Manhattan Boarded Up
In a few short weeks, as the lockdowns have begun to lift around the world, the media’s attention has transitioned to an alleged murder of George Floyd, a black man, by a white cop. Suddenly, thousands of people are coming together in the streets and the media has all but forgotten about the pandemic. Manhattan is boarded up in plywood, and the White House has been reinforced with a concrete wall.
To an outside observer, it would appear that the cure for Coroavirus is rioting and looting in the streets against the police. The Globalist solution?
On June 5th, officials called for the dismantling police departments to replace them with a “transformative new model of public safety.” In Buffalo, NY, the police department resigned in protest. While in the UK, the Brits are ushering in a police state.
Amid all the momentous planned events that have defined the 2020 pandemic, there is still the coming economic collapse. When all humans are paid for existing, Universal Basic Income (UBI) will have arrived.
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!Excerpt from Poem by Rudyard Kipling, The Gods of the Copybook Headings
A $1200 government Covid payment to individuals was a one time UBI. But will people accept a regular basic income that levels everyone to a new collectivist normal, while making them bow to new orders? Track and Trace? Vaccine mandates?
While people, worldwide, are distracted by racism, the magic of the media reported, on June 5th, that, “Confirmed cases of coronavirus are rising faster than ever.”
Withdraw Consent
The authors of the Playbook need your mind to create the outcome.
They need you to believe and live out their narrative because those who own the narrative control the outcome. The outcome has long been in draft form, in the media and in entertainment, in movies such as Outbreak, Contagion, Infection, Virus, The Flu, The Last Days, Panic in the Streets, and in books such as “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen. There are at least 79 films on the topic of Pandemic, alone.
You can withdraw your consent by withdrawing your attention and participation in the orchestrated events.
You make it happen, or not. If no one follows the Playbook, does the Playbook become obsolete?
The Event 201 Epilogue offers one path. But it is not the only path. There are things you can think and do to prevent the Playbook from playing out. The main thing is to focus on making your own reality, not following like lemmings going off a cliff.
Get ready to write your own ending or get ready for a bumpy ride.