By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath|2023-08-04T22:54:00-05:00June 22nd, 2023|Categories: blog, June 2023|Tags: Atlantis, biotech, CRISPR, cyborg, DNA trans genes, homeopathy, hydrogels, immortals, Malone, McCollough, monoclonal antibodies, nasal vaccines, New World Order, Novavax, parasite vaccines, posthumanism, RelCoVax, Transgenesis, Transhumanist, transmutation, vaccine|
Transgenesis - the uncontrolled transfer of foreign DNA into the germline of an animal species. - Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease (Second Edition), 2004 The Transhumanist Age Nowhere does the Transhumanist Age show its cold, shiny glare than through the cloning of genetically modified animal species. But why stop there? From nano-biotech to frequency-technologies, the [...]