What does it mean when……
…people are easily led to follow an ideology that excludes certain groups?
…people protest in anger and fear instead of love?
…people become tools to do the bidding of a hidden group to promote an agenda?

The Protestant Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom), Germany
Most people automatically think of the rise of Hitler and the Nazi movement, the secret society that quietly rose to power through the brainwashing of the German people. Only Hitler was a uniter before he was a divider. When people are made to feel disenfranchised, they willing to join together to shed their individuality for group think to follow the one with the megaphone. They are easily led and misled.
The protests around President Trump’s inauguration were born from the same mold. It matters not if the secret society leading the protests calls itself Nazi, or The Muslim Brotherhood, or The Scape Goats. When people protest in anger and divisiveness, they can easily lend their energy to causes that work against them.
Secret societies behind the scenes know well how to take advantage of a victim mentality by targeting those who perceive themselves to be disenfranchised, those who claim to have “no government rights,” believing that rights are gifts from government, when they are not.
Government feeds this mentality by calling groups “Deplorables” to further divide. The fact is that government rights are not rights at all, but privileges that are taken away by the power that grants them. Those who consent to State rights constantly find themselves fighting to keep them without realizing that State rights are a bait-n-switch. You become the property of the State (See SB-18 The Bill of Rights for Children and Youth).

Front view of a diverse group of elementary school pupils walking down a road in the sun on a protest march
Speaking truth to power is one thing, however, unknowingly giving up your power takes everyone in the wrong direction. The idea that people must beg for government rights via protests or petitions means people have given up their rights. It means people no longer recognize their own inherent rights, rights granted by the Creator, rights that come from our humanity. It means that the State is all-powerful and the brainwashing, over the generations, has taken hold and had its intended effect.
Over time, under conditions that mold a mindset to “follow the crowd or be left out,” individuals lose sight of their capacity to think for themselves. Suddenly, everyone has the same thought. The hive mind has gelled and the individual is no more. In other words, when a whole segment of the population – women – don a pink hijab, because a pro-Hamas leader behind the scenes tells them to do so, they remove their own thinking caps.
How many protestors knew that Muslim organizations were behind the American D.C. protests? How many knew the organizer central to the march promoted Sharia law, or that among the speakers, was convicted felon Donna Hylton who tortured a gay man to death?
While women throughout the Muslim world currently fight to remove the headscarf, American women are promoting the headscarf. Are they being foolishly guided by subversive organizations? – Cheri Berens Blog
Are American women marching toward an Islamic mindset, unbeknownst to them? If women wore the American flag on their heads would they not be desecrating what the flag stands for? By pledging allegiance to the PussyHat Project, are women not subverting their divinity and mocking their own independence? In an ironic twist, are women not desecrating their own sacred feminine in the name of Feminism?
Cheri Berens, an American woman living in Egypt, has seen the rise of a well-calculated program of propaganda and lies from the Muslim Brotherhood. In her article, Women’s March Toward Islam she says, “The Muslim Student Association has their fingers on the pulse of the gender identity crisis. They want American youth to be confused and frozen. They want American Youth to be non-productive beings obsessed with their “civil right” to a “safe space” and “time outs” when they feel stress.”
The emotion of feeling victimized happens through a belief system, fed by the political, religious, and educational systems. An individual’s own belief system directs her to think she is powerless and must beg for power from authorities. A victim mentality creates a need to be filled up with something else to take the pain away.
The remedy to this growing epidemic is to come together in peace. There is no need to protest in anger or to exclude groups that do not agree with one mindset. The fight must end.
If these spectacles teach us anything it is to show us a bird’s eye view of how far we have all drifted from the truth. If we are to leave the Victim Mentality behind for higher ground, and come together in strength and unity, we must see through deception.