If only the “health authorities” knew the truth about pertussis and why pertussis outbreaks are increasingly observed in vaccinated populations. The culprit is a bacterium known as B. pertussis that has mutated to a more resistant form known as B. parapertussis. Research from 2010 shows that vaccination may be the reason for increased host susceptibility to the more virulent form.

The pertussis vaccine is showing itself to be irrelevant because, upon further inquiry, pertussis appears to be a completely natural cyclical phenomenon. According to Dr. Jayne L. M. Donegan, author of The Disease and The Vaccine, “the introduction of the vaccine reduced the number of notified cases of whooping cough but peaks continued to occur every three to four years as they always had. Donegan writes:

In fact, vaccination against pertussis does not produce IgA antibody which is important in protecting against infection. It does, however, produce IgE antibodies which are associated with allergic disease. Alternatively, natural infection with pertussis produces IgG, IgM and IgA.

Similarly, increases in measles outbreaks are also seen in highly vaccinated populations. Health agencies and physicians appear to turn a blind eye to this trend, and instead scare parents into getting their children vaccinated with a vaccine that appears to spread the disease. The technical term printed in the package insert is called shedding.

What is the root of the problem?
Outbreaks in vaccinated populations of both varieties, pertussis and measles, show that vaccination is not immunization. This pre-1940s notion is based on the flawed and false theory that antibody production from live, attenuated, or dead viruses (along with toxic adjuvants like aluminum) equates to immunity.

Research in 2012 published in the Journal Immunity by Cell Press showed that the essential components are the B cells from which the antibodies come – not the antibodies themselves – because B cells help to maintain macrophages which produce type 1 interferons that target viruses. Also, innate cells called bacteriophages that live in our mucous membranes defend against foreign bacteria just like macrophages defend against foreign viruses. We are built with our own natural defense system.

Concept of freedom and unity with nature.

The body’s immune system works in alignment with nature so the tools one provides the body should be natural, through a healthy diet, good nutrition, clean water, clean air, deep sleep, and supplements (herbs, vitamins, and minerals). And while vaccines were once based on an old Chinese principle to provoke the body’s immune system with a small dilution of virus to stimulate antibody production, today’s vaccines contain unnatural ingredients, including the neurotoxin mercury (thimerosal), and adjuvants like aluminum hydroxide, along with a host of known carcinogens (phenol, formaldehyde) that tear apart and destroy the body’s immune system.

For a general discussion on the fallacy of these new toxic vaccines, see why most kids who get measles are now vaccinated.

Measles, like Chicken pox is a stable, mild virus with life-long immunity when acquired naturally. In the last century, the measles virus has not mutated. But that could change if vaccine makers attempt to genetically modify the measles vaccine. Genetic manipulation of the Gardasil vaccine has already resulted in over 140 document deaths from VAERS. However, VAERS reporting is voluntary and only reports an estimated 2% of cases. Over 18,727 vaccine-related injuries have already been tied to Gardasil in both girls and boys. Of great concern is the discovery of synthetic recombinant HPV DNA found in the blood of girls bonded to aluminum salts, months after vaccination. These findings contradict the Medsafe datasheets that claim no viral DNA exists in the vaccine.

viral infection

This means that viral DNA remains in the body to incorporate in the human genome. “Now the host cell contains human DNA as well as genetically engineered viral DNA.”

Another thing to ponder… why would anyone trust the injection of an experimental, genetically-modified vaccine into a young child when congress has granted blanket “immunity” regarding any lawsuits against vaccine makers for any vaccine-related injuries?

Even as these unproven vaccines continue to be promoted, several court cases are proving connection between vaccines and disease: 1) vaccine-damaged children are being awarded settlements by the courts related to autism. 2) Five Gardasil cases were awarded settlements. Further, several nations are beginning to question the wisdom of untested new vaccines. A member of the EU is calling for a ban on all HPV vaccines, as is the Japanese government.

We can no longer depend on the advice of authorities who do not pass along relevant information to parents in order to make informed decisions. If physicians cannot meet their oath to “First, do not harm” then parents must take up the torch to “First, allow no harm.”  The health of our children rests with our good judgment, where it must stay. If vaccine makers will not stand behind their much touted products, why should we?