You Are What You Absorb

Nutritional Counseling

A “Food First” Healing Approach

America has the most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank highest in heart disease, lung disease. diabetes, and obesity, with epidemics in thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer.

Our state of disease reflects our unhealthy relationship with food. We are taught that You Are What You Eat. But, that is not the whole truth. You are what you absorb. You are also the energy of the food you eat.  So choose your foods wisely.

Select whole, nutrient-rich foods, foods in their original packages. Choose live foods, with enzymes to digest themselves, such as raw milk from grass-fed animals, probiotic foods, fermented foods such as kombucha, kefir, and sauerkraut. If you eat meat, source it, and organ meats, from animals that are grass-fed, eggs from pastured chickens. Eat fatty fish from clean waters, not from farms. Wild fish contain selenium which is a natural antagonist to mercury contamination. Choose beyond-organic vegetables and herbs, from soil that has been remineralized. Seek out local, organic farmers or grow your own.

Source your vitamin D3 from the sun, since your body makes D3 through your skin. Be practical about how much sun exposure your skin can accept. Fifteen minutes of sun during peek hours is recommended. Apply safe protection thereafter. Since vitamin D3 is a steroid hormone, supplementing with D3 is not always recommended since the body self-regulates hormones. See my take on D3: Too Much of A Good Thing for more information.

Eliminate Foods That Don’t Serve your Body-Mind-Spirit. Avoid foods that are processed, refined, irradiated, genetically-modified (GMO), and contain hormones and preservatives, which encompass 98% + of what is found in most grocery stores. Processed foods lack life force, Chi. This food is dead. It poisons the gut and the brain and disarms the immune system. It takes more energy for your body to process and assimilate dead food. Everything is energy, including the food you consume.

Drink Clean Water. Our bodies are 60% water by weight and 99.999% on a molecular level. Life is based in water. Water has memory and holds information. Water is essential for all the body’s millions of chemical reactions, as well as for efficient elimination of toxins, and cell hydration, among other things. Water is affected by frequencies. Microwave frequencies of 5G technology affect all water, whether inside or outside your body. The military uses 5G frequencies as weaponry using a specific frequency of electromagnetic radiation. Protect your water by eliminating exposures to these frequencies; unplug from electronics. Drink clean Spring or purified water. Reverse Osmosis systems strip minerals from water. If you drink R.O. water, replace lost minerals is by adding a 1/4 tsp of Celtic salt to quart of water. For cold bodies/tissue states, drink your water warm with salt to aid digestion.

Make Quality Time For Yourself. Tune into yourself by quieting the mind and calming yourself from the chaos of the day. All healing is an inside-out job. Disconnect from electronics. Breathe deeply. Deep breathing clears your lungs of toxins and brings oxygen to your cells. It reduces cortisol, a stress hormone. It slows the mind to center and ground you. Before getting out of bed in the morning inhale deeply,  hold for 5 counts, then forcefully exhale through your mouth. Repeat four more times. This pushes out stagnant, toxic air in the lower lungs.

Taking time for yourself could take the form of yoga, meditation, singing, drumming, or a walk in nature. The purpose is to come out of the normal traffic of your mind and reconnect to your True Self, your essence, which is your connection to your own answers. It all comes down to your breath, which is why mindful breath work is a practice unto itself. Breathing reconnects you to your healing power.

We will address your current food choices and discuss how food is medicine. Each health plan provides a custom dietary plan to help you reclaim responsibility for your health. We encourage our clients to listen to the wisdom of the body – your symptoms – since the body never lies.

Empower yourself with knowledge of healthy food choices including these key concepts:

  • Foods in their original forms, as close to the Earth as possible to feel better.
  • Food alive, with enzymes to aid in digestion.
  • Healthy fats to reduce inflammation, improve mood, and move easier.
  • Traditional foods including grass-fed meats, pastured eggs and organic, raw dairy to restore energy.
  • Herbs to supplement (as concentrated food packets) to re-mineralize the body.
  • Ignorance is no excuse in the Age of Information