Dark storm clouds on evening sky. Danube River, Romania
If you woke up one day over the last twelve months to discover major societal shifts in this country, you are not alone. This is the beginning of the storm before the calm. The tremors and quakes taking place all over the earth, both literally and figuratively, are far from over. They reflect a struggle for control. Societal controls are based on systems, laws, and statutes. Such laws bind, limit, and constrict. They create a Master-Slave, credit-debtor relationship through a hierarchy of power over many ruled by a few.
However, we are in the throws of a spiritual evolution that cannot be contained. More of us are coming to accept that we do not have to conform to these systems to which we have been conditioned since birth. We are born free on a Free Will planet.
We are each a body, mind, and spirit. We’ve forgotten that nature’s laws surpass man’s laws and these are the only laws that we need to accept as our birthright. Attempts to control freedom are out of alignment with our true nature and will naturally fall apart. That is exactly what we are seeing take place now.
Power grabs by systems (political, governmental, religious, etc.), using fear-based tactics, are a desperate, last gasp effort to maintain control. Just as a peacock fans his feathers to make himself look bigger to intimidate, so, too, does government and corporate authority.
During this “awakening” you may feel out of balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You may experience migraines, joint pains, and sleep problems. You may experience breakdown in relationships or health. However, you are always in control. You choose whether your awakening will be absorbed as stress or as a steppingstone to reaching your potential. You determine the outcome.
As always, we are not faced with anything that we are unable to handle. This is an exciting time to be alive. We can use this shift in our favor. Be proactive instead of reactive. To adapt to the shift you have to shift with the shift.

Three travellers on bicycles cycling on a road in asia during stormy weather
Ten Ways to Transcend the Bumps
- Move Out Of The Head and Into The Heart. Watch your thoughts. Move from thoughts to feelings. Listen to your body through your heart center, the vessel of your feelings. This is a peaceful zone amidst the chaos swirling around us. This is the realm of intuition and truth. Truth is love and love is truth; the highest vibration. The opposite of love is fear. And fear (the lowest vibration) represents falsehood. Don’t panic. Turn off the T.V. Anything that feels like fear lets you know you are not on the path of truth. Stay in your heart. Be calm in your heart. Think positive thoughts. Be peace to find peace.
- Know You Are The Power. Empower yourself. You are only as powerful as you believe yourself to be. We each have the power to create a new reality simply through the power of belief and feeling. Beliefs drive feelings, feelings drive thoughts, thoughts drive words and words drive actions, which create your reality. Finding your power and coming together with like-minds can move mountains. Often, this requires each of us to take a leap of faith. Once we do, new doors open to us. When we open to receiving more, we expand our box. Do we think ‘lack’ or ‘abundance?’ Once we know what we want, simply trust that it can come to fruition. Relax into that feeing. We are here to rediscover our true selves that have limitless potential, and we cannot do that when we choose fear and stress.\
- Treat Your Body As A Temple. Honor it. Refrain from putting toxins into it. We are extensions of the Earth which gives us life. Earth toxicity equals human toxicity. Avoid toxic injections, toxic products, and toxic foods, including refined, processed and genetically modified foods. These are dead foods that take more energy for the body to process than is provided by the foods themselves. Eat as close to the earth as possible; food in its original packages. Grow your own food or support a local, organic farmer.
- See Yourself As More Than A Body. Think big. You are a body-mind-soul-spirit; an Energy Being. Everything is energy and energy is vibration. We experience this energy through our senses and our extra-senses, in terms of being, feeling, sensing, intuiting, and knowing. New energy (laser, bio-resonance) technologies being used now are slowly replacing the outdated, outmoded systems that treat the body as a machine and ignore our full essence. As more of us embrace our vibrational selves, we will turn to these healing modalities to allow our bodies to heal themselves very quickly.
- Ground To The Earth to step into your power. When you ground through Earthing, you plant your bare feet on the ground to increase the flow of negative ions into your body which: 1) increases your energetic biofield, 2) resets your self-healing systems (nervous, immune and endocrine systems), and 3) cleanses your aura. It is a similar experience for the earth after a lightening storm. The negative ions from the lightning clear the air of toxins and contaminants. Our nature IS nature. We are our environment.
- Get Out Into The Sun – The magnetics of the sun is elevating consciousness of which we are all a part. So take advantage of the sun that helps you connect to your Self. The sun is literally a wake up call to a higher consciousness. As a practice, spend 10-20 minutes in the sun daily without burning. Use only organic sunscreens or oils on your skin but get out in the sun!
- Know Everything is Happening Now. Don’t dwell in the past or worry about the future. The past is past and the future is unknowable. The future unfolds through every ‘now’ moment. And now is the moment in which we create. At this moment you are the result of all the moments and choices that came before. So regret nothing. Find ways to relax into your presence. Go inward into your depths. It can be dark in there, but sometimes we have to go to the depths before we can push up to the light. You are the universe and the universe is you. All is one. Going within is where you’ll find peace. Walt Whitman wrote, “Happiness, not in another place, but in this place…. not for another hour, but this hour.”
- Be Grateful For Your Life. Thank the universe for all you have. If you are not grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you will be happy with more? Be grateful for the gifts you came here to share. You know what they are. They reflect what you are passionate about. They are the desires of your inner child. They are your purpose. Once you know and use your gifts, opportunities present themselves and things seemingly fall magically into place. Your vibration attracts to you what you are, whether it be through people or events. This is the universal law of attraction. This is the dimension in which you live.
- Reclaim Responsibility For You. Be ready to take responsibility for your own food, your own body, and your own mind (beliefs, thoughts, and emotions). Be willing to say no to GMO foods, GMO vaccines, toxic thoughts, and toxic relationships. Reclaiming inner control restructures external control systems. In this realm of creativity, using your whole being, you are able to manifest whatever you want. Together, we can create new systems of exchange that do no use money as currency. Bartering, co-ops, and time banks already exist outside the current, corrupt debtor-credit system. It may be challenging to create a new paradigm, but it can be done. Anything is possible.
- Create Your Best Intentions. In the shift that we are now experiencing, we must let go of societal and belief systems that do not resonate with truth. It’s time to create our best intentions for what serves our hearts, and what serves all of us as equals …..do it with gratitude…..and get ready to brave the storm before the calm.
Listen to the wisdom of your body and enjoy the ride.