A world under a new normal is one of puppet masters and puppets, of dictators and dictates, of volunteering and vaccines. You can either choose to align with such a world or not. But you would first have to recognize the world of the new normal in order to reject it.
Take a page from the 1928 Playbook, Propaganda, by Edward Bernays:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …
In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. ― Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928.
Fanatics and Fundamentalists
Under the new normal, healthy people are the new sick . “Free thinkers” are the new “fanatics and fundamentalists.” Fiction is the new fact. Propaganda is the new truth, disclosed in media, films, social media. Poison is the new food and medicine. Fake is the new real. And Scientism is the new science, where religious leadership is replaced by a priesthood of scientists and engineers.
It is a fatal error to equate Scientism with science. True science explores the natural world using the time-tested scientific method of repeated experimentation and validation. By comparison, Scientism is a speculative, metaphysical worldview about the nature and reality of the universe and man’s relation to it. – Patrick Wood, Technocracy News
Removing the “God Gene”
In 2005, a new vaccine was introduced during a Pentagon briefing under a secret program, allegedly designed to end the stalemate in Iraq. A vaccine that targets Islamic extremists and eliminates their desire to believe in God would be the excuse the Pentagon needed. Hence, FunVax was born.
The FunVax vaccine would target the ‘God Gene,’ discovered by NIH scientist Dean Hamer in 2004. Hamer showed that this gene predisposes people to a higher level of spirituality. The objective of the FunVax vaccine would genetically modify the behavior of Islamic extremists so that they would be less inclined to fight a jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people, that they have over expression of the VMAT2 gene, and that by vaccinating them against this, will eliminate this behavior…. the virus would immunize against the VMAT2 gene and that would have the effect that would essentially turn a fanatic into a normal person… the present plan in the tests that we’ve done so far have used respiratory viruses, such as flu or rhinoviruses.We believe that’s a satisfactory way to get the exposure of the largest part of the population. Most of us have been exposed to both of those viruses. We’re quite confident that this will be a very successful approach. The name of this project is FunVax, which is the vaccine for religious fundamentalism. – FunVax Scientist
While the release of the Pentagon lecture on Youtube created an uproar, some skeptics claim that the video is fake. After all, the scientist in the FunVax Documentary film sounds extremist to suggest the concept in the first place. How would you vaccinate a jihadist? Would you aerosolize the technology and spray it over the target area? What is the motivation to release the information, in the first place? Is it a requirement of disclosure under universal law?
FunVax could ultimately mold the mind of an entire population by destroying humanity’s spiritual connection. It is known that the pineal and hypothalamus, along with all other glands of the endocrine system operate together in the physical and energetic realms. They not only secrete hormones, but also store emotions, and provide a direct link to “Source,”Higher Self, God. Spirituality does not equal religious fanaticism but rather it is an innate connection that make humans human.
However, under the new normal, and Scientism, these terms are synonymous. The idea that one group of scientists can play god and attempt to disconnect spirit from spirituality is called a god Complex.
Changing An Entire Species
In the process of altering the human mind, an entire species is forever changed.
Dehumanization and normalization will happen more easily under the Internet of Things. Using Neuralink, human brains will directly connect to devices and accept their new role in the new normal. Once connected, humans will be content to shop and work and meet with others remotely from their devices within the confines of their home shelter. Through their devices, their minds can travel the world and download any information they google. A Google Complex?
Disclosed in a another plan, the modification of the human mind and genome has been happening over many centuries:
- medications, such as lithium, aerosolized in the air and added to drinking water and soft drinks, to keep humans numb, obedient and docile, while convincing them that it might be life-saving and crime reducing. However, there is a difference between naturally occurring lithium and lithium salt dosing of water supples.
- fluoride added to drinking water turns the pineal gland to stone. There is a difference between naturally occurring fluorine and hydrofluorosilisic acid, a toxic byproduct of the fertilizer industry added to water supplies.
- aerosolized GMO drugs and vaccines, such as a genetically modified Cholera vaccine deployed over the skies of Australia. Other aerosol vaccination experiments have included India, Russia, and California and Oregon.
- weather modification since the 1800s
- human experimentation
- gene editing techniques to change an entire species through CRSPR in vaccines, and CRSPR’d food.
- glyphosate in vaccines (among other excipients), after EPA approved glyphosate in food crops, oils, and animal feed. Glyphosate is a known carcinogen.
- electromagnetic frequency experiments on humans using military weaponry.
- experimental mRNA vaccines, sold with fear of an invisible virus.
- 5G frequencies and towers to activate nanometals in vaccines.
- a legal shield against lawsuits for the pharmaceutical industry, vaccine makers, and doctors for medical countermeasures.
- the manipulation of public opinion.
Overpowering the Puppet Masters

Image by DanaTentis
How does modification of the human mind happen if information has been openly disclosed all along? How are certain authorities playing god?
By the consent and acquiescence of the people who allow it.
It is due, too, to the increasing dependence of organized power of all sorts upon public opinion. Government, whether they are monarchical, constitutional, democratic or communist, depend upon the acquiescent public opinion for the success of their efforts, and, in fact, government is only government by virtue of public acquiescence. ― Edward Bernays, Propaganda, pdf, p.38
Each human is a body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit, the physical and the metaphysical. Each is a spark of the unknowable God. Each human has the “God gene,” which is the Spirit that connects to a greater power. Knowing of this true connection means there is a way to reject the new normal. Know who you are.
Going forward, there are choices that remain open to each of us, but only if the mind remains flexible. You can choose Fun over Vax. Truth over deception. Logic over absurdity. Nature over fabrication. Health over sickness. Freedom over tyranny. Joy over emptiness. Spirit over ego. Mind over matter.
Refuse to engage the puppet masters and strengthen your connection to Spirit. Ignore the distractions around you and embody the frequency you choose to be. Realize that as a Spirit being, first and foremost, everything comes through you. There is no need to be dominated, as Edward Bernays wrote in “Propaganda,” by a small group of persons… who pull the wires… to control the public mind. Not if you know who you are.