Anything that has a long lasting effect and hurts people is geoengineering. – Jim Lee, Climateviewer,com

Weather Warfare

The geoengineering scheme, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, commonly called, Chem Trails, continues its goal to limit sunlight to Earth via solar geoengineering.

Image by Tomislav Jakupec from PixabayThe latest idea is sprinking diamond dust into the stratosphere. Injecting these aerosols into the stratosphere means they will stay in the atmosphere for at least one year before falling back to Earth.

Why diamond dust?

Because it would not make the sky as white (as it currently is) and it would not be seen. 

Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) could change the sky’s appearance. We aim to quantify the noticeability of changes in sky color and brightness due to SAI. We consider three aerosol types: H2SO4, CaCO3, and diamond.

Climate Change or Mini Ice Age?

Today, the act of limiting life-giving sunlight to Earth is commonly known as Climate Change. Once upon a time Climate Change was called Global Warming. It’s true that the climate changes daily. Sometimes hourly. It’s also true that when technology limits sunlight, there is a cooling effect (not a warming effect).

Though the media has switched the narrative, from Global Warming to Climate Change over the decades, is Earth actually entering a mini ice age? Is Earth cooling? Should the name change again?

According to a 2001 article published in Science (and not yet scrubbed from the Internet), scientists suggest the Earth is cooling. 

In the model, these occur primarily through a forced shift toward the low index state of the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation as solar irradiance decreases. This leads to colder temperatures over the Northern Hemisphere continents, especially in winter (1° to 2°C), in agreement with historical records and proxy data for surface temperatures.Science et al. DOI: 10.1126/science.1064363 , 2149 (2001); 294

Image by Mario from PixabayFor decades, scientists said the Sun may be going through a long period of decreased activity known as the Modern Grand Solar Minimum from 2020 to 2053. The last time such an event occurred was during the Maunder Minimum — from 1645 AD to 1710 AD, which was part of what is now known as the Little Ice Age — when Earth went through a series of elongated cold periods during the medieval centuries.

In a 2020 paper, the title, Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling, tells the cold, hard facts. And this author does not agree with climate control scientists. Valentina Zharkova writes:

A significant reduction of the solar magnetic field during grand solar minima will undoubtedly lead to the increase of intensity of galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays, which, in turn, lead to a formation of high clouds in the terrestrial atmospheres and assist to atmospheric cooling.

…with every extra day/week/month that passes, the null in solar activity is extended, marking a start of grand solar minimum. What are the consequences for Earth of this decrease of solar activity?

The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum 1 (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.

If we believe the “Climate-Change/Warming” theory, and the world must reduce carbon emission, then when are we supposed to reach net-zero carbon?

The year 2030 is the deadline to cut all emissions. Check out Jim Lee’s Climate Clock for the exact timing. Also realize that by 2029 there will be a new president.

If nothing changes to stop the mad scientists, stratospheric injection will increase to levels never before seen.  If trees inhale CO2, why not plant more trees?

Under A Not-So-White Sky

While Rhianna profits from signing about Diamonds in the Sky, newsy propaganda suggests that “sprinkling diamond dust into the sky could offset almost all of climate change” to the tune of $175 trillion. 

European Commission scientists are calling for a treaty to regulate the use of “of unproven and potentially risky technologies that reduce sunlight hitting Earth as a way to address global warming.”  However, this article susggests president Trump could block it. 

Climate Viewer Crusader, Jim Lee argues, “Trump could shut down all solar geoengineering today. All he has to do is sign an Executive Order (E.O) that says ‘Geoengineering is a national security threat. Any country that partakes in it is violating our airspace and potentially harming our country.’ And then threaten military action. That’s all it takes.”

“The weather warfare ban of 1976 is the only treaty on the books that expressly bans geoengineering,” says Lee. Despite past failures, weather modification endures

Although Trump created Space Wars, he can also follow-up his E.O. with Congressional legislation to ban geoengineering once and for all. But do bans work if the weather warfare ban of 1976 was a bust?

Political Will?

Does America have the political will to stop the geoengineering train?  Do Americans have the will? Listen to Jim Lee for more insights…

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