Image by <a href="">Brigitte Werner</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>Feline upper respiratory infection (cat flu) is a common condition among cats. Like the human condition, it is most likely the result of a bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract due to lowered immunity within the body. 

Since forever, common knowledge about the common flu has taught that one species does NOT spread an infection to another species. It sounds like this:

Humans cannot catch cat flu, and cats cannot catch human colds or influenza. Cats can only become infected from other cats and occasionally other animals. 

However, in “the news,” the flu always jumps from one species to another, including humans! 

In the latest news cycle, the CDC claims a rogue Birdflu virus is jumping from cows to cats, and infecting humans.

A drastic uptick: Birdflu (H1N1) is affecting domestic cats in multiple states. – Headline, WBDJ, August 21,2024 

Is your cat safe? Are you?

Jumping Species

“The news” insinuates that flu can jump from birds to humans, from deer to humans, from snakes to humans, from bats to humans (Influenza A), from pigs to humans (Swine flu), from horses to humans (Horse flu), and from monkeys to humans (Mpox). 

Man who caught virus from a monkey in a critical condition. –Headline,  April 22, 2024

Still, no virus has been isolated. Ever. For any disease.

Image by <a href="">Mo Farrelly</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>For instance, from horsepox to cowpox to rabbit pox, the pox “viruses” have all been manufactured in a petri dish, and patented for a future vaccine. There, viruses are created and “isolated.”

How was this latest killer virus, or any rogue virus, identified? And if so, by whom?

The Virus: To Be or Not to Be?

There is no documented isolation of any “virus.” Read terms of virology carefully in the actual studies. Only “versions“of a virus are ever isolated. [Similar to The Bible.]

The CDC states the virus (for COVID) is not available. The July 13, 2020 CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [For Emergency Use Only] section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” p. 39 reads:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA.

Further, the RT-PCR test does not actually show the presence of a live virus. It merely multiples small segments of DNA. Dr. Fauci, former NIH Director stated:

If you can really show that there’s live replication virus in you, and the tests don’t measure that.

Many terms in today’s news are being used by people who do not understand their meaning, especially terms such as viruses, isolates, and strains. As one virologist puts it:

Many of the terms used in virology are ill-defined. They have no universally accepted definitions and there is no ‘bible’ with the correct meanings. As each of us are trained by other virologists, we hear them using terms in certain contexts and we copy their usage – whether or not it is correct.

With gatekeepers, such as the CDC, and national news outlets, no species, whether animal, reptile, human, or avian, is safe from manipulation of the science.

The claim of an invisible virus, through approved gatekeepers, is now meant to raise fear in owners of domesticated pets. After all, it worked for COVID. [Note: Beware of threats to cull the herd].

In each case, except in the case of a prion disease where humans ingest a prion, (artificially created in labs) the one solution offered as the only solution, is an injection, created in a lab, and approved by the FDA.

The Species Barrier

However, in Nature, it remains impossible for any disease condition to pass between one species and another due to “a species barrier,” a barrier that provides natural resistance to infection between species. 

As a general rule, a pathogen may encounter three successive lines of defense in attempts
to infect or parasitize a potential host:
 first, the pathogen has to encounter the host animal;
 next, the pathogen has to penetrate the body, overcoming mechanisms of
nonspecific, natural, constitutional or innate resistance;
 the pathogen may also face specific, adaptive or acquired resistance.

Broadly speaking, species are separated from each other by prezygotic and postzygotic barriers, which prevent mating or the production of viable, fertile offspring. 

If ‘Speciation’ is the process by which new species form and become reproductively isolated, does it not also make sense that Nature would protect the integrity of each species through an infection barrier?

What happened to make all species suddenly incapable of resisting major infections or parasitic diseases?  

The New Science

The new science of COVID, is “news science” or science that is newsworthy. It is not reproducible, true science but Consensus Science. Among its claims are that CoV-2-SARS is able to jump the species barrier. 

Did COVID come from snakes or bats? Or pangolins – scaly mammals that looks like an anteater? Science should be able to elucidate the answer.

However, if you cannot isolate a virus, then you can neither identify a virus, or make claims about a disease.

Image by <a href="">PublicDomainPictures</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>Looking deeper, CoV-2-SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus-2), is a patented protein sequence developed in a lab setting, then introduced into a species via injection.  

Ironically, the only ancient report of cross species transfer of infection is from the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso, known as Ovid, who lived during the reign of Augustus. Ovid, in his poem Metamorphosis, wrote:

a ‘plague’ that affected nearly all of the inhabitants of Egine Isalnd, and numerous animals in 129 BC:
Strage canum primo volcrumque, aviumque, boumque Inque feris subite deprehensa potential morbis est

From Ovid to Covid, the 2020 pandemic represents a metamorphosis of new limits to society. In the journal Law Text Culture, Desmond Manderson writes about the Ovid-Covid connection as:

a profound transformation that appears dramatic only if you have failed to notice the underlying compounds that, like a witch’s brew, have been slowly bubbling away all along.  

The 2020s revealed with new clarity the forces of neoliberalism that have been eating away at the roots of our
societies for thirty years. Social distance, working from home, the gig economy, new limits on civil society.
All these underlying socio-political aspects of the neoliberal social contract were brought into sharp relief…If the metaphor of the lockdown turns out to signify a dies non for reflection or to catch our breath, it will have been worth it after all. 

Manderson is a critical thinker who compares bacteria and viruses, as metaphors, to invasive foreign bodies of colonization, whether they are corporeal or political.

Today, via mail order, anyone can reconstitute a deadly pox strain, from smallpox, so that it, too, becomes “news worthy.” A group of Canadian researchers accomplished this in 2017:

A study that brought horsepox back to life is triggering a new debate about the risks and power of synthetic biology. – Science Advisor, July 2017

Rumors of cryptids , cyborgs, and hybrid creatures are examples of new species experiments by ‘mad scientists’ who attempt to usher in a world of Artificial Intelligence, or A.I. Outside Nature, breaching the species barrier is a given in the gene-splicing production of remote-controlled bugs, light-controlled dragonflies, and mind-controlled mice.

However, DNA injection via virus transport (CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing) already inserts some level of animal DNA into homo-sapiens. The CDC is not yet reporting on the consequences of testing this technology in Real-Time, even if it is tracking  COVID via digital mapping.

Instead, the CDC, wants you to know that if you work with dairy cows, poultry, unpasteurized milk, or wild animals, you are at risk of Bird Flu!  Therefore, you can purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) to survive. These include waterproof aprons, gloves, boots, coveralls, head covers, etc.

Animal ID to Human ID

Image by <a href="">Winkelmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>The USDA will soon require Animal ID for Cattle and Bison. But, will elephant-proposed legislation, to halt USDA’s Animal ID mandate, pass in the current political Congress, made up of 2 donkeys (President, Senate) and 1 elephant (House)?

Also on the horizon is the new human digital ID.

Yet, the question still remains: The virus: to be or not to be?

Would terrorists, or rogue states, use modern biotechnology against whole nations under the guise of a new global strain of flu?

Where does it end?

With you!

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