An epidemic of disease rates also shows the diseased state of humanity. As Within So Without. All physical disease begins on the inside.
The signs of a Global Religion are showing up to humanity in captions, events, and narratives from world leaders who preach about uniformity under the cover of unity. Uniformity in the name of unity is the foundational premise of a One World Religion. Calamities, weak borders, and market crashes are planned events to pave the way to uniformity, which appears as: a genderless race, citizen slaves, countries without borders, and the worship of a lesser god under one religion. From the Christian Crusades to the New Age Crusades, the goal of One World Everything goes back to Babylon.
Humanity is being tested. The challenge is how to separate truth from lies to know why, how, and when the transformation takes place so we can each prepare and “clean up our individual acts.” If we can find the truth amidst the lies, we can save save ourselves. An epic story if there ever was one.
The New Age Crusades
The New Age Crusades are not marches, but subtle events. In 2016, the Mekudeshet Festival took place in the Holy City of Jerusalem. It was a spiritual gathering to “create a new reality…. and redefine religion.” The goal of the event was:
to create “a single home for the world’s three major religions to harness the city’s ancient powers to inspire artists, musicians and cultural figures from around the world to redefine their art and traditions and connect amid troubling times.
Is that why Pope Benedict XVI and Ahmed Mohamed el-Tayeb, Imam shared a public kiss at the Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo in 2011?
Are we not in troubled times? Are people not looking for guidance from religious leaders?
In the 1990s, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, curator of the pope’s meteor collection and a trained astronomer, stated that there is no conflict between science and religion, and that both fields can complement each other….something that goes against many religious views.
Then, in 2010, according to a Newsweek article, Brother Consolmangno, under then-Pope Benedict XVI, spoke at the British Science Festival, saying that he would baptize aliens, “if they asked.”
In 2014, during his homily, Pope Francis carried this narrative forward, claiming that he would baptize aliens, too!
According to a 2019 article in the Church Militant, Jesuit and astronomer, Rev. José Gabriel Funes, directs the Vatican observatory and says he supports extraterrestrial life, but is not open to an alien Jesus. Has he been watching Star Trek’s The Borg series? Is he confused?
The Borg queen bee: I am the beginning. The end. The one who is many. I am the Borg. I am the Collective. I bring order to chaos.
Jesus in Revelations 21:6 : I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
In 2016, Pope Francis appealed to the masses with a video message of conformity. He said: We are all children of God.”
Which god is the Pope talking about? If the Church believes aliens are coming to save humanity, and Jesus is NOT alien, then does he infer that the God of the Bible is an alien god?
The “Alien” Agenda
Why would the Catholic Church seek to convince people about Extra Terrestrials? Is this an attempt to distract from the world-wide pedophile-priest scandals or to ignore the bloody history of religion in general? Or is it part of a Great Deception to create fear?
How would the papal hierarchy know that aliens would agree to be baptized? Do they hide their true identities under their robes? Why do they claim to know that aliens may exist but that Jesus is definitely not an alien? Is the Alien Agenda meant to confuse? Or is it meant to encourage people of all religions to turn away from the message of Christ, a message that says the kingdom of God is within you?
When physicist Stephen Hawking was alive, he was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, a group which kept the senior cardinals and the pope up-to-date with the latest scientific developments. Hawking believed the laws of physics removed the need for God. He helped to pave the way for Technocracy and Transhumanism, where science is god.
One can’t prove that God doesn’t exist, but science makes God unnecessary. The laws of physics can explain the universe without the need for a creator. — Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking had been initiated, as one of the youngest members, into the Royal Society in 1974, an institution with a Masonic, rather than a scientific, legacy. Draw your own conclusions. The alien phenomenon is a common theme in the upper echelons of science and religion. Is Babylon rising from the ashes to take over all religions as One World Religion? Observe the name for the Vatican’s own telescope in their search for alien life.
The LUCIFER Connection
The Vatican is heavily invested in deep space. It owns an Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) next to the University of Arizona called LUCIFER (Large Binocular Telescope Near Infrared Utility). In 2010, Popular Science revealed a telescope that observes celestial objects and the heavens. That’s right, the Vatican has an observatory in Arizona, manned by Jesuit astronomers whose telescope is named for Lucifer.
According to, authors of the book Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican’s astonishing plan for the arrival of an alien savior assert that Vatican astronomers are using both the VATT and the LBT’s LUCIFER instrument to watch for an alien savior. Papal astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno was quoted as saying, without apology that “very soon the nations of the world are going to look to the aliens for their salvation.”
Pope Francis’ efforts to bring about a new world religion in which all religions, sects, and denominations are brought together as one, identifies him by some as a False Prophet. Why would the Vatican be studying the skies since 1582? Is the most advanced telescope in the world tracking an enemy or a friend? What happened to the God within? Or the enemy within?
The Nostradamus Prophecy: Century 2 Quatrain 43:
During the appearance of the bearded star.
The three great princes will be made enemies:
Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,
Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.
Are the stars and planets pagan gods the Vatican has worshipped all along? Had a religious takeover been prophesied by Nostradamus when he saw the betrayal of Christianity? Century 6 Quatrain 6:
- There will appear towards the North
- Not far from Cancer the bearded star:
- Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,
- The great one of Rome will die, the night over.
Invasion of Earth
Is it encoded in the stars that Pope Francis will provide alien disclosure? Will the Vatican deny Christ three times?
According to Nostradamus, during this time, the next (black) Pope will be sacrificed and replaced by a Androgyne being — “Satan” who falls to Earth when the magnetic poles reverse. The savior will be seen under the guise of an alien who prevents WW III. But what if 911, the destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC was the blood sacrifice that began WWIII?
According to Nostradamus’ prophecy, in 2024, the true poles reverse, causing near complete destruction of Earth including the Vatican. Once the poles reverse, the shields return, preventing the “aliens” from leaving for 3 years. Satan will baptize the “aliens” who seek to dominate Earth and create a One World religion. Then the Rapture takes place. Sound surreal?
The Alien Agenda is a Jesuit Agenda promoting a Transhuman (A.I.) and Transgender Agenda. The purpose? To prevent humans from evolving. Humans are a threat to a group of Interdimensional beings that want to control Earth.
Is the installation of an anti-Christ The Great Deception that is being perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit Freemason Church? By Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset? By both?
Revelation 12:9 ESV /And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Prophesies of Mother Shipton – The tides will rise beyond their ken. To bite away the shores and then the mountains will begin to roar and earthquakes split the plain to shore…..
Who survives this — begins the human race again. But not on land already there, but on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare. Survivors start a new civilization, not on lands which are poisoned due to war and nuclear radiation but on lands rising out of sea after the great tribulation. Read the rest of the prophesy here.
Have church leaders deceived the people?

Star trails with the Milky Way show an astrologers heaven at a camping site in Joshua Tree California
Christian doctrine emphasizes submission and teaches the exemplary Christian to follow like sheep, and “become as little children” (Matthew 18:3). Governments treat people as State property using mandates such as the coming Adult Immunization Plan. And the U.S. president hints that we need “a major event” to bring people together. A faked alien invasion perhaps? A pandemic?
NASA’s Project Bluebeam involves a gigantic ‘space show’ with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images that could create such an invasion. Will such a show usher in a savior?
Hopi prophesy tell a different story. Many Hopi claim that we are living in the final days of the Fourth World. The Hopi Tribe has predicted various Earth changes that signal the conclusion of the current age and the onset of the Fifth World. Are they right?
The Coming of The Fifth World
“The Hopi People believe that we have suffered three previous world cataclysms. The First World was destroyed by fire—a comet, asteroid strike, or a number of volcanic eruptions. The Second World was destroyed by ice—a great Ice Age. As recorded by many cultures around the globe, a tremendous deluge destroyed the Third World. These three global destructions were not the result of merely random earth changes or astrophysical phenomena but of humankind’s disregard both for Mother Earth and for the spiritual dictates of the Creator. In other words, cataclysmic events in the natural world are causally connected to collective transgressions, or negatives human actions.”
What do we need to know?
We live in this world of duality, but we are not of it. We are Spirit, eternal light beings living in an Earth suit on a finite planet. Knowledge is power over fear. Have no fear. The Creator is not the god of the Bible; the god of the flesh, the god of this 3D construct. The kingdom of God is within.
If the seven years of Tribulation has begun, then we “children” need to grow up and become sovereign beings who do not require church authorities to tell us who we are. Abandon all dogma. Connect the dots and connect to each other. If we, as humanity, are to pass easily through these times to the next world, the best thing to do is to ask questions, spread awareness, and become strong in heart and mind, body and soul. Find your center and make peace with yourself and with your divinity. Are we the last generation of humans or not?