Feeling disempowered?
Got Health?
Got freedom?
New draconian laws that serve to repress us and restrict our freedom is nothing more than a method of distraction from who we are. Whether the distraction is called the DARK Act or the Darth Vader Act, when we give our attention to authoritarian dictates, we give up our energy and our power. We forget we are beings with free will living on a free-will planet.
Free will is a combination of free choice and will power. It is a inherent ability not only to choose between an apple and an orange, but to decide not to eat either of them because they both contain poison. Free will is the battery in the light saber hidden in our back pocket. We only need to recharge the battery to see it and use it.
Free choice and will power are found beyond the visible light spectrum. Being focused solely in the physical has limited our more subtle abilities since we really play in the whole electromagnetic spectrum arena. In our wholeness, we are Consciousness. Consciousness is creative energy in all the forms we see – and those we don’t see, from seeing a baby to the feeling of love. That makes us creative energy beings. To create is to be powerful creatures. We manifest everything. From our thoughts and beliefs, grow our feelings and actions. As part of the Consciousness puzzle, each of us is a unique expression of the whole. No one part is greater than another. And we each have a role.
While some declare (using mandates or laws) that they hold power over others, it is only based on their belief. Who certifies the certifier? When it comes to government overreach, the tool for individual re-empowerment and healing is found in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government….to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Physical documents do not grant or deny rights. Rather, the spirit of the words reflect inherent rights in each individual. When you consent to Acts and laws, you consent to give up your freedoms. You disempower yourself. Alternatively, you can choose not to give consent. Free will means you can cease to participate. Non-compliance is an option. You can ask, by what authority is your consciousness greater than mine?
Using free will in the cause of Health Freedom means you can always preserve choice for yourself. Some examples:
- Grow your own food.
- Boycott industries that pollute environment and genetically modify foods.
- Boycott the medical system in favor of holistic options.
- Boycott the State educational system.
- Collect rain water.
- Live off-grid.
- Refuse to fight in war
The desire for more power always reflects a lack of power within. To compensate, authorities use force in place of power. There is a difference between power and force. As David R. Hawkins writes in his book, Power vs. Force, “Force is incomplete and needs energy whereas power is complete and makes no demands. Force consumes whereas power energizes. Power gives energy and life whereas force takes it away. Power is compassion whereas force is judgmental. Power is peace whereas force is war.” Compassion comes through the heart. The bigger the heart, the higher the power.
When you recharge your light saber, you take responsibility for your role as part of the greater whole to enlighten and expand consciousness. Your job is to shine your light whether others see it or not. To evolve as a conscious being is to see yourself as interconnected to everything around you. This process happens on an individual timeline, in this dimension, where time is of the essence. Here and now, during a concerted effort to repress and suppress humanity, there is also a window of opportunity to make great strides.
We live in a symbiotic relationship with our planet, separate yet connected. And whether you want to believe our planet is round or flat, or oblong, or diamond shape, or somewhere in between, none of that really matters in the greater evolutionary picture. It is the Law of Nature for each of us to hold different perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts. Our primary focus now, however, is about our relationship with the planet that sustains the whole.
Refocusing is all about adjustment of perception. In order to see the bigger picture, we need to let go of the details. The living planet and all species depend on each other for mutual survival. If we do not accept our divine connection to each other, we destroy ourselves in the process. Everything we are is also what the planet is. We reflect each other. If the planet is healthy, so are we. If the planet is diseased, so are we. If we are empowered, so is the planet.
The intangibles of life, things we cannot see, come from within our energetic core. Power comes from within. Love comes from within. Freedom comes from within. Health comes from within. We must each take responsibility over our own health because the external reflects the internal. The microcosm is the macrocosm. It is the Law of Nature. The opportunity to create what we want is in our back pocket, within our grasp. May the power be with us.
Rosanne Lindsay is a board certified Naturopathic doctor, Earth Keeper, liberty-lover, writer, and author of the book The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet. Find her on Facebook at Natureofhealing and her website at natureofhealing.org.